Organizational Growth & Performance

Turning Your Ship Around

7 Steps for Beginning a Change Process “This is a big ship. It takes a while to turn it around.”…

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Perseverance: Two Leadership Practices that Make the Difference

“Genius is divine perseverance. Genius I cannot claim nor even extra brightness but perseverance all can have.”  Woodrow Wilson  Has…

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Are You Designing Failure?

Someone should create and produce a TV series about traffic engineers. Really. It would involve lots of money, fast cars,…

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Why Conflict is Good

Conflict. It’s good. It’s an opportunity. It’s a pivot point from which new understanding can emerge and new strengths are…

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Building a Healthy Self-Image

In my previous article I wrote about how a negative self-image limits us from operating at our best. How we…

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Failing Before You’ve Begun? Discover the Link between Self-Confidence and Leadership

“Are you able to do this?” The CEO was sitting across from me in an overstuffed chair in a remote…

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Earning Influence

Years ago, I worked with an organization that played a major role in the reconstruction effort in Kosovo. In my…

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