Organizational Growth & Performance
Stop Chasing Growth: How Business Stabilization Can Triple Your Value
Learn how business stabilization can create long-term value. Discover why bigger isn’t always better, and how stabilization leads to growth.
How Organizational Culture is Like Glitter: Insights for Leaders
How Organizational Culture is Like Glitter: Insights for Leaders The other evening, my dear, sweet, wonderful, beautiful daughter proudly came…
Pacing for Success: Lessons from the Olympics and Beyond
Pacing is crucial for leaders to maintain productivity without burning out. This post explores how to implement annual, weekly, and daily rhythms that balance effort and rest, ensuring sustainable success without sacrificing personal well-being.
Is Your Vision Statement Doing More Harm Than Good?
“He’d like me to double revenues in the next few years.” This was the clearest direction Sharon, a new CEO,…
Why Leadership Development Programs Fail
Most leadership development programs aren’t worth a bucket of warm spit. Actually, they might be worse than that. Or possibly…
Profit, Performance, and Pretense: Peeling Back the Layers of Corporate Cosmetic Surgery
I grew up in the era of the Rocky and Rambo movies. Sylvester Stallone was everywhere. Movie posters, t-shirts, lunch…
How to evaluate an executive’s performance.
I’m often asked, “How do we evaluate our executive’s performance?” It’s usually board directors who ask me this. But there…
Dead Mice, My Garage, and Your Business: Things that Should be Cleaned up
I recently cleaned and organized a corner of my garage. The level of pride and satisfaction that this generates is…
The Truth Will Set You Free. But Before it Will, You Have to do This
The truth will set you free. But you have to accept it first. The best leaders look reality straight in…
Why I Care About Leadership
Leadership Motivation When I was young, I had ideas about changing the world. So, I set out to do that….