Organizational Growth & Performance

Three Ways To Do Remarkably Well When Nothing Is Going Well

I live in an oil state. Low prices have just hammered major sectors of our economy. Many people are nervous….

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How Are You Doing? First Quarter Check-In.

So, this is the end of the first three months of 2016. The end of the first quarter. How are…

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Cut the lines

Cut The Lines That Hold You Back

I received a lot of feedback regarding a recent article called “Six Anchors that Are Holding You Back.”  The six…

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Build Resiliency: How to Bounce Back (Sometimes Even Stronger)

“A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor.”   Years ago, I was a new executive director for a financially…

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Four Reasons Why We Can’t All Get Along And What To Do About Them

As a facilitator, I occasionally need to address problem behaviors in group settings. Sometimes this is very demonstrative. I’ve had…

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The Conflict You Want – And How to Get It

Would you like to radically transform your experience with conflict at work? (Or even at home?) Here is the single…

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Resolve Conflict in Four Steps

Resolving Conflict Really IS This Simple! Most of my life I’ve had no idea how to resolve conflict. When I…

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When We Make Conflict Worse Than It Needs To Be

Today, someone posted a snarky comment in response to an article I wrote and published. The comment was from someone…

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It Ain’t About Chemistry: The Primary Sources of Conflict

Why all Workplace Conflict isn’t the Same When it comes to conflict in the workplace, the most common interpretation I…

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The Christmas Gift We All Need

Getting in the “holiday spirit” is not something that feels natural to me. I don’t tend to notice the holidays…

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