
Your Emergency Succession Plan: Why you need it. What goes in it.

Your Emergency Succession Plan. In 2003, I was conducting research for a humanitarian project in what is now South Sudan….

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Step One for a Successful Succession

The CEO asked to speak with me about succession planning. We talked and got to know each other. While doing…

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Leadership Transition

Seven Tips to Prepare Your Team for A Successful Succession

I remember one of my first “executive” changes. I was 19. I started a coffee shop with two other friends….

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Succession Planning Timing is Everything | Christian Muntean

Succession Strategy – Timing Is Everything

Summary: An illustration of the time required for leadership succession. Also, the key differences between how that time is spent…

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Avoid these 5 mistakes that sabotage a leadership succession | Christian Muntean

Avoid These 5 Mistakes That Sabotage a Leadership Succession

Avoid These 5 Mistakes That Sabotage a Leadership Succession. Leadership succession is one of the most important questions your company…

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Executive Succession Are High School Boys Better Prepared Than You | Christian Muntean

Executive Succession: Are High School Boys Better Prepared Than You?

“Leaders are also responsible for future leadership. They need to identify, develop, and nurture future leaders.” – Max DePree The…

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