Vantage Point Blog
Leadership Without Good Management Is Like A Boneless Chicken. Fun to Eat but Otherwise Useless.
“Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.”…
6 Ways the Health of An Organization Reflects Its Leaders
I like to brew beer. I vint wine. Mead. Ciders. Whatever. I haven’t tried kombucha yet, but that’s on the…
13 Tips for Increasing Your Leadership Impact and Making Life Better
I read the national news less and less frequently. A quick scan of the headlines and then I’m out of…
3 Most Common Ways Leaders Fail to Communicate
In the ideal world, communication should be simple. I should be able to speak or write whatever I want. Everyone…
5 Ways Leaders Build The Courage To Do What Needs To Be Done
Confrontation makes people uncomfortable. It requires courage and heart to confront well. I was talking with a group of parents…
2 Questions That Will Immediately Improve Your Organization
A few days ago, I felt pain in my wrist. Right at the hollow where my first metacarpal (where the…
The 15 Top Issues That Explain Almost All Organizational Challenges
I’ve consulted with hundreds of clients across industries and cultures. While everyone is unique, their challenges are usually not. I’ve…
4 Ways Your Current Challenge Is A Blessing
I’m a parent of three children. The oldest is just finishing Kindergarten. One of the most-repeated lessons that we offer…