Vantage Point Blog
The Hidden Predictor of Business Success: Employee Retention Rates
Grip Strength Perhaps you’ve come across this. A simple health and longevity test that only takes a few seconds. It…
The Danger of Consensus Leadership: How to avoid mediocrity and stifled innovation
“We’re going to have to do surgery on his shoulder. We’ll cut through the shoulder joint and open it up…
Respected Leaders Do This: Learn How to Build Real Influence
Years ago, a friend challenged me to run a half-marathon with her. I wouldn’t consider myself a runner, but I…
Is Your Vision Statement Doing More Harm Than Good?
“He’d like me to double revenues in the next few years.” This was the clearest direction Sharon, a new CEO,…
The Myth of the Charismatic Leader
Sometimes leaders ask me how to develop pizzazz. I find that humorous because, at no point, have I ever been…
Why Leadership Development Programs Fail
Most leadership development programs aren’t worth a bucket of warm spit. Actually, they might be worse than that. Or possibly…
Assume someone is recruiting your best employees. What will you do?
Just five years ago, business magazines routinely published articles with tips on screening an overwhelming number of job applications. Best practices…
Should you use a virtual team? 10 questions to help you decide
Twenty-one years ago, I was working in Southern Sudan. A base in Lokichoggio, a UN outpost on the Kenyan side…