Vantage Point Blog
How to Pick Leaders of Unstoppable Teams
I spend a lot of time around mental health professionals. I use to serve on my State’s Licensing Board for…
5 Ways the Best Leaders Get Up After Getting Knocked Down
In college, I worked with people who experienced developmental disabilities. Part of my job was called, “community inclusion.” The idea…
How to Tell If a Leader Will Create Growth
I recently heard from an executive who was struggling in a tight situation. Her staff is overworked. She’s tapped out…
Six Habits of The Best Team Leaders
Leaders are in the business of leading. You’ll often find them leading teams. Seems obvious. This seems so obvious,…
How to Be Ambitious Without Being a Jerk
“We found that for leaders to make something great, their ambition has to be for the greatness of the work…
Remarkable Leaders Forge Clarity. 4 Areas They Focus On.
One of my biggest frustrations, as a leader, is that the people I lead don’t bother to read my mind….
Four Ways Effective Leaders Deal with Conflict and Weirdness
The voice on the phone said, “We’d like you to work with Bill. He’s one of our supervisors. He has…
Are You Working Too Hard and Accomplishing Too Little?
“What is the one thing, that by so doing,makes everything else easier or unnecessary?” makes everything else easier or unnecessary?”…