Vantage Point Blog
Four Steps for Making Decisions in the Face of Uncertainty
All climbers face fear. Whether pursuing a peak, climbing a rock wall or ascending a waterfall there is always the…
How I Found Success by Avoiding Perfection
Why Acting Imperfectly is More Important We have two young boys at home, ages 3 and 1. One of my…
Six Steps to Make Delegation Easy
When I first began as a non-profit executive director, I struggled with what felt like an enormous workload. Short staffed….
Three Relationships You Need To Invest In (If You Want to Flourish)
Two previous articles regarding how pruning your life and pruning your organization contribute to incredible growth have generated many comments…
Four Ways Pruning Helps Your Organization Thrive
In my last article Four Ways To Rapidly Grow By Pruning Your Life I shared the value of cutting things…
Four Ways To Rapidly Grow By Pruning Your Life
A primary obligation of leadership is personal development. We can only lead out of who we are. So, we need…
Six Tips for Thriving in a Down Economy
Once there was a successful real estate agent. His thriving business focused on selling homes to the affluent. It afforded…
What You Need To Predictably Achieve “Soft” Goals
Along with consulting, I’m the founder of the Conflict Resolution Center. We help people quickly and peacefully resolve disputes. Most…