Vantage Point Blog
Building a Healthy Self-Image
In my previous article I wrote about how a negative self-image limits us from operating at our best. How we…
Failing Before You’ve Begun? Discover the Link between Self-Confidence and Leadership
“Are you able to do this?” The CEO was sitting across from me in an overstuffed chair in a remote…
Making Strategic Planning Work
Here’s a dirty little secret: Strategic planning doesn’t work – at least most of the time. For most organizations and…
Leadership Health
Years ago, when I was a new executive director, I met with two other senior leaders. I was dealing with…
Three Leadership Toxins
Leaders lead out of who they are. You are your greatest leadership tool. Because of this, it’s an obligation of…
Why Leadership Has Everything To Do With It
Fourteen years ago, I was working in Kosovo with the glamorous title of ‘Psychosocial Officer’. Due to the war and…
Does Your Leadership Help or Hinder?
In honor of the 4th of July I’ll reflect on my recent participation in a Goruck Challenge. This event was…
Two Leadership Lessons from Iraq 2011
In 2011 the US withdrew troops from Iraq and, initially, things looked good. In terms of security, military and civilian…