What Clients Say...

You're in good company. See what some of my clients say about how our work together has impacted their organizations.


You really listen as you see and grasp the goal, from a 30,000 foot view, and you use that perspective to understand your clients' situation and relate to people's ideas, dreams and problems, giving them context and ultimately, an ability to work toward their solution, not yours.


Brian Green
Christian Health Associates

You deliver customized solutions displaying honesty, a commitment to progress, and good collaboration; not a canned program delivered without concern to those involved, or just training with no follow-up. Your focus is the big picture.


Ben Schoffmann
CCI Industrial Services

You are effective in shepherding a group to accomplish its goals by sizing up situations and people effectively. Your written reports add value, as I make recommendations to the team.


Tari O'Conner
Anchorage School Based Health Centers

"As a small business owner making "out-of-the-box" changes to my business, I greatly appreciated Christian's insight and thoughtful way of looking at different aspects of each proposal. Always on point and direct, his input encouraged me to consider options and avenues that I might have otherwise discarded from the decision making process. Christian's depth of experience and knowledge is highly evident in his approach to problem solving, goal setting, and process clarification.

I recommend Christian without reservation. His experience and skills are an excellent well from which to draw, and will surely be an asset to anyone willing to invest the time to work with him."


Gayle Hornberger
M.D., Owner, Midnight Sun Family Medicine

Christian has, in very short order, helped our team refine our vision with laser focus and worked with us to put a workable plan in place to accomplish it. His skills at receiving feedback from related parties and putting them to work effectively in this process have been nothing short of amazing. He is coaching us to embrace conflict in order to fully understand the roadblocks to our growth along with the skills to work through difficult issues to a workable solution.

Christian's book, Conflict and Leadership, has been a particularly valuable asset for me on this subject. His additional resources have been very helpful for my team as well-including weekly email letters, podcasts, and web conferences dealing with timely, relevant issues and helpful guidance for navigating towards solutions that maximize opportunities.


Sam Robert Brice
President, Bilista Holdings, Inc.

Christian has helped my company implement the leadership structure needed to launch us to the next level! He coached me to the confidence I needed to fully grow into my role as CEO of the company. Our coached growth over the last year has increased our income potential for years to come!


Annie Bjerkestrand
RMG Real Estate Experts

Every time I meet with you I come away with a new tool.


Brian Midyett
STG Pacific

You bring a more extensive "toolbox" that ensures greater flexibility and responsiveness to a group's needs and provides clients with a greater degree of confidence in outcomes through creative and inclusive decision-making processes. You push groups further and deeper than other consultants and have a greater self-awareness of what's possible and what's necessary.


Nils Andreassen
Institute of the North

I love coming to work now! You are inquisitive, asking great questions that make us question what it is we're really after. The best was about goal setting. We used to always have far too many goals set out for ourselves. By questioning what it is that we were really after, we were able to make the goals much more simple, logical, and attainable.

You also helped us focus on leadership, getting department managers to understand that successful don't just manage things around them they manage people, and that these are two entirely different skill sets. Once this was realized by the management team, we could see a real difference in the way they interacted with their teams, concentrating more on getting their team to work together more effectively rather than giving orders.


Derek Adolf
General Manager
Continental Auto Group

The great thing about working with Christian is that in every conversation about work we had, there were always one or two life lessons to be learned and applied to other situations outside the job. It's easy for me to see where the solutions to work challenges can often come in handy when juggling family life, relationships, and all the other aspects of leading a busy life.

Christian is able to look at an organization and deliver, in a no-nonsense-kind-of-way, a "diagnosis" of what stands in the organization's way to success. His years of experience and the fact that he walks his talk in every aspect of his life put him in a good position to support organizations and boards struggling with how to make the needed changes on the path to efficiency and sustainability.


Tamar Ben-Yosef
Executive Director
All Alaska Pediatric Partnership

Working with Christian Muntean over the last year has been very eye-opening. He was able to take all our concerns and worries and help us organize them into a solid business plan. He got us in touch with several professional-from HR to accounting/advisors. From there, we were able to come up with better time and money-saving procedures. I would highly recommend any business (especially starting out) invest in Christian and his services.


Tom/Darbi DePeter
Onyx Drilling LLC

Christian has been a fantastic resource for our program. He does a great job of helping leaders deal with the specific issues they need to work, while at the same time helping them understand the broader framework of how to recognize and mitigate issues before they rise to the level of management concerns. I highly recommend working with Christian pro-actively, especially for new managers, rather than bringing him in to put out fires after your business has already been damaged.


Lance Ahern
Managing Director
Launch: Alaska

I enjoy working with Christian because of his matter-of-fact-with a touch of humor-straight forward approach that exudes confidence. Our staff are now better equipped to face problems/concerns, rather than leaving the concern unattended. They have more confidence in their ability to make decisions, and they now stand behind the decision they made. This has also led to less micro-managing by my leadership staff.


Charles Freeman
Education Manager Kids Corp Inc.

I have been impressed with Christian's intelligence, natural instincts, keen insights about people, integrity and genuine compassion for others.


Kris Hintz
Position U 4 College

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How To Accomplish More Without Doing More:

Eight Proven Strategies To Change Your Life

Discover how to save eight hours during your workweek-even if you're too busy to even think about it. The resource every maxed out executive needs.

My spouse is so grateful I hired you—it’s completely changed my family life!

- coaching client


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